Premature Aging: How Diagnosis Affects Life 

Posted on May 13, 2021  in Medical news

TIME CHANGES OUR BODY AND BODY – this is a natural given. We learn to accept external age-related changes , not considering them as shortcomings – and, if desired, we correct them. But the main difficulty of aging is not related to appearance – with age, genetic mutations and adverse effects of the environment accumulate, diseases appear that reduce the quality of life and well-being. Today, people live long lives, and scientific advice on healthy living helps to stay active. But it happens that the body – from the outside and from the inside – is aging at an accelerated rate. This happens in Progeria, a rare genetic disorder, and some other conditions not well understood. We spoke to a geneticist, plastic surgeon and journalist who is facing accelerated skin aging.

What is Progeria

Progeria are characteristic changes in the skin and internal organs due to the accelerated aging of the body. This is an extremely rare genetic disorder that can be divided into two forms: childhood ( Hutchinson-Guildford syndrome ) and adult ( Werner syndrome ). The childhood form is associated with a mutation in the LMNA gene, which arose at the stage of intrauterine development. The LMNA gene encodes the protein lamin A, which plays an important role in the formation of the structure of the cell nucleus. In progeria, the protein does not perform its function, which ultimately leads to premature cell death. The methods of treatment of Progeria, based on the discovery of its genetic basis, are now being actively studied .

The incidence of childhood progeria is estimated at one case in four million newborns, around one hundred and thirty cases have been described worldwide. At the same time, a sharp growth retardation becomes noticeable in a child by the age of one year, tissues and organs develop incorrectly, and puberty does not occur. One of the main manifestations of the disease is severe atherosclerosis, which sharply increases the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. Complications include myocardial infarction and stroke at a young age. In the adult form of the disease (Werner’s syndrome), the mutation does not occur for the first time, but is inherited. It is an autosomal recessive disorder, which means that the child must inherit one copy of the defective RECQL2 gene from each parent. This form is more common than children – about one person in two hundred thousand.

With progeria in adults, the body usually develops before the onset of puberty, in which there is no growth spurt , and the child remains short. After twenty years, there are such changes as gray hair, hair loss, the voice becomes hoarse, the skin becomes thinner – in medical textbooks you can find the term “bird’s face”. The progression of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of cataracts, type 2 diabetes mellitus, ulcerative skin lesions, osteoporosis and severe atherosclerosis. Patients with this form of the disease often develop multiple tumors, including rare ones. People with Werner’s syndrome usually live to be forty to fifty years old, the leading causes of death are complications of atherosclerosis and cancer.

According to the geneticist of the Atlas Medical Center Alexander Reznik, it is impossible to predict the childhood form of the disease. Since an adult is transmitted from parents – healthy carriers of the mutation – theoretically, its risk in an unborn child can be identified even at the stage of pregnancy planning. For this, genetic testing of both parents for mutations in the RECQL2 gene is carried out.

Collagen deficiency

With age , collagen synthesis decreases in the skin , it becomes less elastic, wrinkles and sagging appear. Mutations in different genes can lead to impaired collagen synthesis from birth – these conditions are found even in animals and can manifest themselves in different ways. With failure of different types of collagen are associated, e.g., osteogenesis imperfecta and Ehlers syndrome – Danlos . If it is the collagen of the skin that suffers, then the manifestations will affect primarily the appearance. Flaccid skin syndrome (aka elastolysis, or cutis laxa in Latin) occurs in about one in two million children. According to the Cutis Laxa Internationale association, 385 patients with this syndrome are known in the world – however, given that the map on the site does not reflect a single case in Russia, there are actually more of them.

There are many different types of elastolysis caused by genetic mutations, and the acquired form, the causes of which are unknown . Low elasticity of the skin can be isolated, or it can be accompanied by problems with ligaments, joints, heart or blood vessels. Plastic surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor Alexander Teplyashin says that an accurate diagnosis cannot always be established – and since we are talking about rare syndromes, there are times when a person comes with a unique set of manifestations. You also need to understand that the effect of aesthetic surgeries is not always sufficiently pronounced or stable: tissues with collagen deficiency are poorly held in place. New therapies are needed to stop or reverse the process leading to cutis laxa; for this, they begin to use, for example, stem cells, but so far in an experimental manner.

Journalist Victoria Askero-Dubovik said that not a single doctor made a final diagnosis. According to the results of many examinations, it turned out that all organ systems work in accordance with age, and the skin seems to be ahead of the rest of the body by tens of years: “ I began to notice changes in my appearance at school, the skin of my face and body looked much older than my years. There were deep wrinkles on the forehead and neck, and the skin sagged. But the doctors’ appointments were as usual, the test results were age-appropriate and age-appropriate, and the doctors were not worried about the appearance of the doctors.

I had an experience when I was invited to a program dedicated to the topic of premature aging syndrome. I agreed to participate only in the hope of finding out my exact diagnosis. People came to the program with real progeria, and I realized that this was not my case. My body works as usual: all my organs function in accordance with age. Doctors say that my case is unique – most likely, it is some kind of “anomaly in the development of the skin in the prenatal period.” I did a circular facelift and neck lift to bring the appearance more or less in line with real age, changed the bite and put veneers. At twenty I could have been given forty-five or fifty, now, at twenty-six, I look thirty. Everything went well, the effect remains. “

As a child, they were teased by an old woman “

According to Victoria, she did not face bullying about her appearance and never perceived it as a reason for upset: “My mother was raised by deaf and dumb parents, and I think this is a much more amazing story. Of course, it happened that someone shouted nasty things after me – but these are isolated cases that did not lead to complexes. Many of my friends are beautiful girls who have model looks. It happens that they begin to tell me about their complexes, about the “imperfect” body, about the fact that they cannot find a match for themselves – this sincerely amazes me. I have never encountered such problems. I accepted and loved myself for who I am. And I tried to change what I was not particularly happy with ”.

Unfortunately, not everyone who is faced with accelerated aging is easy to accept themselves, and society does not contribute to this: people with Progeria regularly fall into the ratings of the “ugliest in the world” for some reason, and stories about the successful use of new types of therapy come out with headlines like “Doctors saved an old girl ”. Frenchwoman Tiefenne says that the most difficult thing in this disease is the views of others and the fact that you, in fact, do not have childhood and adolescence, you inadvertently find yourself in the world of adults. “As a child, I was teased by an old woman, a grandmother, a witch … With age, the jokes became thinner, but did not cease to be offensive. I’m not sure people understand how painful they can be with their questions. “

Because premature aging syndromes are rare, healthcare professionals are also poorly aware of them. According to the same Tiefenn, all her childhood she was sent from one doctor to another, but they could not say anything definite. On the website of the Cutis Laxa Internationale Association, many say that their children could not be diagnosed for a long time, and they did not even suspect the existence of other people with this condition. The association has created a closed support group for people with elastosis. The study of this disease is actively pursued at the University of Pittsburgh – understanding the mutations that can cause it, will help develop diagnostic methods and potentially treatment.

As of March 31, 2019, there were 157 children with Progeria in the world . The Progeria Research Foundation is the main organization working on this issue. The foundation was founded in 1999 by the parents of a boy named Sam, who faced a complete lack of information on the topic. In the foundation’s brochure for parents and caregivers with this condition, a separate chapter is devoted to how to behave with a child and deal with other people’s views, questions and comments – as one parent notes, “from the very beginning we were no longer worried the medical side of the issue, but the psychological and emotional comfort of our child. ” In addition to the many technical recommendations for the care of the eyes, skin, oral cavity, the emphasis is on the fact that the intelligence of children with Progeria is age appropriate, and the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and immunity are working normally.

In Europe, patients and their families are supported by the Progeria Family Circle . In 2011, a book was published by Hayley Oakins, a girl with progeria, who at that time was thirteen years old. On the TED website, you can find a talk by Sam , the very boy whose parents founded the Progeria Research Foundation, recorded in October 2013, three months before his death.

Toxic atmosphere: How life in a metropolis affects health 

Posted on May 9, 2021  in Medical news

IN TALK ABOUT THE HARMFUL OF SMOKING OR PROCESSED RED MEAT, there is bound to be an argument that living in a city as a whole is harmful – and to some extent it is. Science is not just talking about the benefits of being in the fresh air for the heart and blood vessels, the quality of sleep and the state of the psyche. Progressive doctors prescribe trips to nature, as if hinting that from time to time we should run into the forest from cars and people. But the question of how harmful life is in the city is difficult to answer unequivocally. Various factors play a role, which no one considered in the aggregate. Let’s try to separate myths from facts and figure out whether it is worth selling my grandmother’s house in the village or is it better to wait anyway.

How air pollution became an epidemic

In 2015, scientists made a frightening statement: more than 3 million people worldwide die each year from air pollution (small particles that can penetrate deep into the lungs) – more than the number of deaths from malaria and HIV / AIDS combined. If humanity does not draw the right conclusions, this figure will reach 6 million by 2050.

The maximum risk, apparently, are children and young people – they have a permanent effect of gases and particulate matter in the air can cause mental health problems. For everyone else, polluted city air threatens dry eye syndrome , an increased risk of diabetes and lung disease . However, the danger may persist even when air pollution remains at a safe level, according to WHO and EPA.

From noise and light to sleep disturbances

Noise outside the window can be very annoying, whether we are talking about a busy highway, a showdown near a stall or an outgoing neighbor’s dog. First of all, it disrupts the structure and subjective quality of sleep, provoking daytime sleepiness and, in the long term, endocrine and metabolic problems. Research also shows that long-term noise pollution is associated with a doubling of the risk of anxiety and depression and blood vessel damage from cortisol exposure. And the World Health Organization notes that noise above a certain level (85 dB) or permanent noise can lead to hearing loss and cognitive impairment. And although the WHO claims that the car makes an average of 70 dB, and the plane takes off by about 120 dB, the figures may be higher – for example, in some parts of the London Underground, the sound reaches 105 dB.

In an effort to draw public attention to the problem, Mimi Hearing Technologies analyzed the levels of noise pollution in fifty cities around the world. Data analysis showed that Guangzhou has the highest noise index, followed by Cairo, Paris, Beijing and Delhi, and the lowest in Zurich. The average hearing level of residents of noisy cities at the time of the study was equivalent to the hearing rate for people ten to twenty years older.

In terms of light, statistics show that people living in illuminated areas with lots of neon signs are more likely to report sleep disturbances. Although a causal relationship has not yet been established, its discovery remains a matter of time, given that urban dwellers are exposed to light 3-6 times more than villagers. On the other hand, overly lit nights cannot be considered the root of all problems. People in cities may sleep poorly for many reasons, including stressful overload, which interferes with normal sleep-wake cycles and increases the risk of inflammation in the body.

Subway survival

If in the morning, cuddling against the glass in a crowded carriage, you think that this is how you can get to death, you are not so far from the truth. A study by the University of Washington found that people who travel significant distances to work are at greater risk of heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. Moreover, if we are talking about the distance between cities, then the risks are likely to increase further.

But even this is sometimes not as scary as trying to imagine the number of microbes living in the subway. There are indeed many of them, and each subway line has its own flora , and during the day the bacteria exchange data to develop antibiotic resistance. Luckily for us, we don’t have to worry too much about this. For safety reasons, it is sufficient to keep your hands away from mucous membranes until they are washed or, if the nose is suddenly impossible to comb back, use a hand sanitizer. There is a so-called hygiene hypothesis – it is that exposure to microbes at an early age teaches the immune system to be more effective. True, it was confirmed only for rural areas: children who grew up on a farm are less likely to suffer from allergies and asthma. Recently, scientists are increasingly saying that the hygienic hypothesis is generally not entirely correct.

City and stress

The available data allow us to conclude that the level of mental problems in cities is slightly higher. A Dutch study on the topic, for example, found that urban dwellers had a 21% higher risk of anxiety disorders and a 39% higher risk of mood disorders. The risk of schizophrenia in people who have grown up in cities, almost two times higher than those who grew up in the country. Experts believe that this is associated with a higher level of stress – but they do not exclude that in rural areas people are simply less likely to report their problems to doctors or do not consider them significant enough. This is indirectly confirmed by the suicide rate: men in rural areas are 54% more likely to commit suicide.

Another reason for the decline in mental health in urban environments may be that the brains of urban dwellers become more susceptible to stress over time . Chronic stress also accelerates the aging process of cells, providing townspeople with more pronounced age-related pigmentation and deeper wrinkles than villagers. The good news is that even small green islands in a bustling city can improve our condition, especially if we include physical activity in the form of a bicycle or skateboard.

How rent affects us

It turns out that renting an apartment can also negatively affect health. To find out, a group of scientists from the Universities of Essex and Bristol decided to look at objective indicators – the level of C-reactive protein associated with infections and inflammation. It turned out that the level of C-reactive protein in the body of apartment owners is lower than that of tenants, and for those who live in separate buildings, in turn, it is lower than that of residents of apartment buildings. Another curious fact: renters who spend a significant portion of their income on rent have lower C-reactive protein levels than renters in general. Perhaps this is somehow connected with a more comfortable location and high quality housing, since you have to pay so much for it.

Real threat: injuries, accidents and icicles

Cities may seem like much more dangerous places than villages, but this is not always the case. City dwellers are 20% less likely to die from an accident, such as falling from a roof or, surprisingly, a car accident. Scientists think it is a matter of the time it takes for emergency services to get to remote areas, and, possibly, more risky behavior of drivers outside the city. As for the magic brick, which can fall on your head at any moment, there is no reason to be afraid of it. Although this sometimes happens , the reported cases are so few that the likelihood is minimal (the risks increase if you work on a construction site). And if it’s worth worrying about some falling objects, it’s about icicles that kill dozens of people in winter .

In some ways, the city may even be useful. Thus, urban dwellers are less likely to exceed the medical norm of weight due to the high standard of living and the quality of nutrition. Old age in the city will also turn out to be more pleasant, since there is no social isolation characteristic of the countryside. Also, urban dwellers may have a better functioning digestive system. Some evolutionists think that the once-excellent lactose tolerance was a beneficial mutation that helped people to leave the nomadic lifestyle and move to cities where farming was the main occupation and dairy products were the main source of food. Finally, there is evidence that residents of large cities are more resistant to tuberculosis and leprosy.

Who is really in danger

While there are risks for all of us living in the city, vulnerable populations suffer the most. We are primarily talking about people living on the street – almost 40% of them have chronic health problems. Although the opinion has grown in society that the homeless are themselves to blame for their situation, in reality the situation is much more complicated and dire. According to Nochlezhka for 2017, the main causes of homelessness are family problems (36%), labor migration (22%) and fraud in real estate transactions (17%). At the same time, 12% of the homeless have a higher education, and 44% have a secondary education. With regard to alcohol abuse, most people start drinking after they are on the street.

In Russia, about five million people are considered homeless , a million of whom are children and 50 thousand of whom live in Moscow. It is especially hard for them in the cold season: in St. Petersburg alone in the winter of 2012-2013, 1,042 people died on the streets . This is a global problem – homelessness is also faced by the “happiest countries in the world,” such as Norway and Denmark . All over the world, according to a UN report , about one hundred million people are homeless.

How will we eat, work and heal in 100 years – according to scientists

Posted on May 5, 2021  in Medical news

WHILE GRETA TUNBERG DRAWS THE ATTENTION OF WORLD LEADERS to the fact that the future of the planet without attention to environmental problems is vague, and Nike is preparing to release self-lacing sneakers “like Marty McFly”, scientists are making their predictions for the next hundred years. And in them – something that even science fiction writers did not dare to dream of, but something that very soon may become our reality.

Insects on the menu: to be or not to be

Science is confident that in a hundred years (or sooner) we will eat insects as actively as meat today. The reason is global warming and its impact on agriculture at a fairly high rate of population growth. It is about reducing not only the amount of food, but also the nutritional value of products produced under the new conditions. That is, today it is necessary to understand how and with what it will be possible to feed people.

There are no bugs and spiders altogether . The optimal form for scientists seems to be the form of a powder that can be added to familiar products. By the way, in one of the works of 2019, it was found that fans of Japanese cuisine are more likely to try dishes with insects in the composition. For example, the appetizing ( at least in appearance) worm meatballs, which are in full swing at IKEA Space10 – the innovative research center of the Swedish giant.

This is not to say that all experiments with food from insects are successful. So, bread with cricket powder , which was prepared by Italian scientists, turned out to be a very problematic product: not very tasty, not soft enough, and even with bacterial spores, which significantly increase the risk of food infections.


Laboratory meat and the cannibalism hypothesis

Lab- grown meat is one of the most promising ways to reduce the environmental burden of farming and livestock production . And although everything is not so simple with its unconditional usefulness , the experiments continue, since the developments for the person of the future will definitely come in handy. It is possible, for example, that the solution to both environmental and food problems will be the “meat” of insects from a test tube. And this is not a bad option if you keep in mind some of the other theories.

More recently, Swedish researcher Magnus Söderlund voiced a frightening version. He suggested that the people of the future will become normal about cannibalism and this will solve both the problem of nutrition and the problem of overpopulation (but, apparently, he forgot what happened to the people of the Fore tribe, who had a dangerous habit of eating the brains of their deceased relatives).

5 more things that may become common in the future:

ULTRASOUND FOR SAFE HAIR COLORING. Experiments with goat hair have shown that the correct ultrasound settings can cut dyeing time in half, preserving hair health and improving pigment adhesion, which can be beneficial when using natural dyes.

CLOTHING THAT GROWS WITH US . Designers from the British bureau Petit Pli have created a waterproof jumpsuit that can grow with a child, and therefore is suitable for babies from four months to three years old. Now they are actively working on expanding the line, and then , you can be sure, they will also think about clothing for adults.

BIOSENSOR TATTOOS. Scientists at the Technical University in Munich have developed a special ink that changes color in response to changes in pH, glucose or albumin levels, allowing timely detection of processes that can lead to diabetes mellitus, kidney problems and other conditions. And in the future, most likely, the range of reactions will expand.

WEATHER WITH CONTROL PANEL. The consequences of global warming, alas, are irreversible , so science will have to throw all its efforts to save humanity from extinction: by creating cirrus clouds , controlling solar radiation , fertilizing the ocean, or something else. We are already sowing clouds to stimulate precipitation, and we are trying to trigger a thunderstorm earlier than it would like to start, using laser pulses. So why would not.

NEW FORMS OF LIFE. Harvard scientists are right now trying to create the human genome from scratch , promising to stop (the reason is purely ethical) as soon as any progress is noticeable. And before that , a bacterial genome with 473 genes (fewer than any organism on earth) was obtained in the laboratory in order to study the basic functions of life. The creation of special organisms that will, say, feed on microplastics seems only a matter of time.

Infrared vision
or bionic eye

Scientists at the University of Massachusetts taught mice to see infrared light, which usually remains invisible to them, by injecting nanoparticles into the retina. Surprisingly, the mice retained their normal vision, and the effect was present for ten weeks without serious side effects. Mice are not humans, but the structure of our eyes is similar, so the prospects are incredible. For a start, the technology is supposed to be used for therapeutic solutions for vision loss, but over time it may become much more affordable and widespread.

At the same time, a team of researchers from Minnesota applied an array of light sensors to a curved glass surface that mimics the surface of the eye, maintaining 25% efficiency in converting light to electricity. And this is a breakthrough, because during the previous experiments, the matrix did not want to “stick” to a round surface, much less work on it. Now scientists have to find a way to apply the sensors to a soft material that can be implanted into the eye without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Fitness patches
vs fitness bracelets

For starters, bracelets, watches, rings and other smart devices will become even smarter by learning how to prevent the dangers associated with dramatic changes in health indicators. The FDA recently officially approved the KardiaBand , a “medical accessory” for the Apple Watch that tracks heart rate. Scientists already knew that when the correct algorithm Apple Watch can capture the speed of the heartbeat with an accuracy of up to 97% , but the ideal program, obviously, was created just now. The KardiaBand replaces the watch strap, and the sensor embedded in it, detecting that the readings are outside the normal range, will prompt the user to take an ECG (for this you have to place your thumb on the sensor) and send the results to the attending physician.

Sports gadgets will become much more adaptable. Something like the ElectroDermis fitness patch , which stretches and contracts as many times as necessary, or a temporary tattoo that lasts up to seven days on the skin .

Robots will take over the world – but it’s even good

Scientists do not deny that widespread robotization will lead to mass unemployment (and this will happen earlier than we think). But there is good news – the introduction of technology itself will lead to the creation of new jobs, and there will be even more of them than necessary.

The report of the World Economic Forum in 2018 said that the loss of 75 million jobs by 2022 will lead to the creation of 133 million jobs over the same period. And the more time passes, the more impressive the numbers will be. True, in order to qualify for new positions, employers need to tune in to improving the qualifications of their employees, and employees need to think about where and how they can acquire useful skills on their own.

It is interesting that in the future, obviously, robots will also penetrate into those areas in which it is quite difficult to imagine them now . And actually they are already there: while one robot ( which, by the way, has a name – Mindar) serves in a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, another android conducts a fiery Hindu arati ritual, a third blesses the parishioners of a Protestant church in Germany, and a fourth listens to elderly Catholics who are restricted in movement and / or social contacts.

Some religions seem to be more ready for the fusion of religion and technology. So, surrounded by Japanese robots do not see in this a big problem in that while Europeans are set not too optimistic. But this is for now, because Anthony Lewandowski, who promotes the cult of artificial intelligence , has more and more like-minded people.

The brain (most likely) can be preserved

A team of scientists led by Robert McIntyre developed a technique that allows you to keep the brain of a mammal (first a rabbit and then a pig) in perfect condition for a long period, back in 2015 . Now McIntyre has founded Nectome , a company whose goal is to learn how to preserve the human brain with all its complexities, neural connections and even the smallest memories. The first operation was carried out by Nectome specialists in 2018: they conserved the brain of a woman who bequeathed her body to science 2.5 hours after her death (details were not disclosed).

Will there be a breakthrough in cryonics after that ? In the near future it is unlikely , but in general it is necessary. In connection with the fact that the load in the brain of the computer may never succeed , it looks a worthy alternative. Another thing is that when trying to insert an old brain into a new body, there is a great risk of getting not the same person, but his “soulless copy”. What will happen next can be seen in one of the series of “Black Mirror”.

VR therapy

Augmented reality has already penetrated medicine. Scientists cope with chronic pain, sending patients to a virtual tour, reduce phantom pain by simulating the work no end, and distract patients from pain during chemotherapy and operations. VR technologies are also showing effectiveness when working with children with autism and treating visual and movement disorders of varying severity.

But if now VR is still an innovation used to treat and correct conditions that cannot be cured and corrected in any other way, then people of the future may know it as a very everyday technology. Like being able to unlock the phone using a fingerprint.

A world without trauma and aging

Biotechnology starts and wins, so in the future, doctors will of course be able to grow lost or damaged body parts and organs for their patients . The 3D printed ear bones for a sixty -two- year-old man and a lab- grown trachea for a little girl are proof of that.

At the same time, gerontologists think that something revolutionary will appear in the field of rejuvenation. Perhaps this will be a therapy designed to increase (or rather , restore) the length of telomeres , that is, the end sections of chromosomes, the shortening of which is associated with aging. And perhaps the bet will be made on supplements that reduce the activity of mitochondria (components of the cell that create energy sources for it), or point blocking of growth hormone .

Some scary news? Antibiotic resistance is becoming an increasing problem for humanity, so the time may come when even the simplest infections will turn out to be deadly for us. According to data in the 2016 to 2050 resistance to antibiotics will cause 10 million deaths annually.

But this terrible time, of course, may not come. Because the work on the development of new vaccines and drugs does not stop for a minute.

Ectopic pregnancy: how it is dangerous

Posted on May 1, 2021  in Medical news

The pregnancy rate is coming, when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall inside its cavity – but it happens that it is fixed in another place. Then the pregnancy is called ectopic, or ectopic; it can be located in the fallopian tube (a narrow tube that extends from the uterus), in the ovary, in the cervix, or, for example, at the site of a scar left after a cesarean section. Together with the doctor, we figure out how often this happens, how it threatens and whether it is possible to reduce the risk.

Why is this happening

It is believed that 1-2% of all pregnancies occur “ in the wrong place”; in the overwhelming majority of these cases – more than 90% – the fertilized egg is attached inside the fallopian tube. The remaining 10% are accounted for by the cervix, the muscular layer of the uterus, the abdominal cavity, the ovary, or a scar from a cesarean section – the latter is generally considered a risk factor, because in 1 out of 500 pregnancies in women who have undergone at least one cesarean section, the ovum is attached to the area of ​​the scar . The risk of ectopic pregnancy is slightly increased with IVF: if in the general population it is 1-2 %, then among those who used assisted reproductive technologies, it is already 2-5%. From 1972 to 1992 ectopic pregnancy began to diagnose at six times more likely – it is linked and with the improvement of survey methods, and with the development of technologies such as IVF, and with the spread of smoking and sexually transmitted infections by.
The fallopian tubes are designed so that their walls can contract, pushing the egg or embryo towards the uterus; inside, the organ is covered with special cilia, the movements of which also contribute to this. But there are conditions in which these functions are impaired – first of all, this is inflammation caused by infection, the action of hormones or immune processes. Perhaps the most obvious dangers are infections like chlamydia and smoking, in which toxic substances damage the cilia of the fallopian tubes. Other known risk factors are surgery or injury to the pelvic organs, IVF, and the use of intrauterine contraceptives. The risk of ectopic pregnancy in the cervical region and in the muscular layer arises if any interventions have been carried out – for example, curettage (curettage) for the purpose of abortion or surgery to treat endometriosis.

Age increases the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy – among women over thirty-five years of age, it occurs more often; why this happens is still unknown. Of course, to eliminate some factors can not be or do not need – it is not a call to give birth before, do not use contraceptives or reject IVF technology, and only on the fact that this information helps doctors pay more attention to the potential risks and explain when an urgent need to apply for help. According to one study, almost half of women with ectopic pregnancy known risk factors found not to have been – it seems that there are more complex mechanisms that may affect the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy.

What does it threaten

An ectopic pregnancy is a truly life-threatening condition that requires emergency care. Back in 1977, the authors of one study concluded that 75% of deaths associated with ectopic pregnancies could be prevented by eliminating delays in diagnosis and treatment. Most often, the growing fertilized egg leads to rupture of the fallopian tube, and this, in turn, threatens with severe bleeding, the outcome of which can be fatal. A couple of hundred years ago, ectopic pregnancy in 90% of cases led to death, now in some countries this figure has dropped to zero. According to the Ministry of Health, in 2014, the mortality rate from ectopic pregnancy in Russia was 1%, in 2015 – 3.6% of all women with this condition.

In the long term, an ectopic pregnancy threatens with problems with bearing the following: sometimes the fallopian tube in which it developed is removed – and then one can only hope for good patency of the remaining one. The doctor explained that if the second pipe as impassable, it may be held salpingolysis – the separation of adhesions, but and in this case, the risk of ectopic pregnancy, future increases. In addition, when an ectopic pregnancy is interrupted, a lot of blood enters the abdominal cavity, which stimulates the adhesion process – in the future, the patient may have intestinal disturbances and abdominal pain.

How is it diagnosed and treated?

As the gynecologist Yevgenia Nazimova explains , it is possible to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy without complications only at a very early stage – it can develop up to four to five weeks without showing itself in any way. Usually, women come later in connection with pregnancy – and in many countries the first ultrasound is generally planned for about twelve weeks. Most often, if a pregnancy has arisen in the fallopian tube, it is interrupted at a period of 6-8 weeks – by this time the ovum reaches a size at which it is either pushed into the abdominal cavity, or leads to rupture of the tube. In most cases, aching pains in the pelvic area appear one to two weeks before, and bloody or brown discharge may appear. In this case, if you consult a doctor in time and correctly diagnose, drug treatment can be carried out (although it is not always effective and requires careful monitoring).

Julia underwent such treatment: after a positive pregnancy test, she was waiting for a planned visit to the doctor, but bleeding began at seven weeks. “The scariest moments were when nothing was explained to me yet, but it was clear from the faces of the doctors that something was wrong,” she says. She was prescribed treatment with methotrexate, a drug that must stop the development of the ovum before the surrounding tissue ruptures. The method is effective, but not always – some women still need surgery. It is used when the patient’s general condition is stable, that is, complications have not yet occurred, and then with the help of this medicine they are often prevented. The doctors explained to Yulia that in the next four days she will not be able to remain alone even for half an hour: methotrexate does not always work and an operation may be required at any time. She had to regularly do tests for the hormone hCG, the level of which returned to “non-pregnant” within a month. As a result, the fallopian tube was saved, but a scar may remain in it, so the risk of repeated ectopic pregnancy is increased to 10%.

Most often, an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed already when it is interrupted – a picture arises that doctors call an “acute abdomen”: sharp abdominal pain, weakness, sticky cold sweat, decreased blood pressure, nausea, and so on. In this case, immediate medical attention is needed. This is a surgical treatment, ideally endoscopic, when instruments are inserted through a small incision or puncture. The goal is to remove inflamed and destroyed tissue and save a woman with minimal health consequences.

How to get over it

“It was emotionally difficult, also due to the lack of knowledge. Earlier, an ectopic pregnancy seemed like something rare, distant and abstractly scary – although statistically this happens not so rarely and, probably, it happened to someone from my acquaintances. After the diagnosis, I constantly read forums on this topic, watched how the hCG level of anonymous users changed . The most difficult thing is that I could not feel sadness from the loss of pregnancy, because everything was obscured by fear for my health. And when once a week I was told the good news that the medicine had worked, I returned home in tears, because for several hours the fear went away and one could just feel the pain of loss, ” says Yulia.

WHO notes that the loss of a child during pregnancy remains a taboo subject, with which is associated with blame or shame, and many survivors of her women do not have any proper assistance or proper respect. In Russia, support for parents who have experienced the loss of a small child or termination of pregnancy, including early pregnancy, is provided by the Light in Hands charitable foundation . In English, information on ectopic pregnancy can be found, for example, on the website of the British Foundation , which deals exclusively with this issue.

There are also recommendations for those who are faced with an ectopic pregnancy: it is important to remember that this is not your fault and that there was nothing you could do to change the situation. You can feel fear, sadness, anger – and it’s important to give yourself time to experience those feelings. There is no need to blame yourself or the doctors – in this situation it is impossible to save a pregnancy. In some cases, post-traumatic stress or depression develops after termination of pregnancy, and then it is important to contact a specialist in time for help. It is worth discussing the situation with your partner and other family members, making it clear what kind of support you need the most – perhaps they will try to distract or amuse you with the best intentions when you just want to be heard.

Adentia: What threatens the lack of teeth

Posted on April 27, 2021  in Medical news

HALF A YEAR AGO GUCCI CREATIVE DIRECTOR Alessandro Michele presented a line of lipsticks “for daring, bright and beautiful.” The brand deliberately went against the far-fetched stereotypes about the perfect smile: punk singer Dani Miller starred in the advertising campaign, who does not have two front teeth due to congenital adentia. We figure out why it occurs, why it can be dangerous and what to do with it.

Why the tooth does not grow

Congenital adentia, when one or more teeth are missing, occurs in about every tenth person. Because of it, from the very beginning, the rudiment of a tooth, milk or permanent, is not formed. Sometimes it accompanies other congenital disorders, but it may not be related to general health. To date, scientists have found several genes, mutations in which are associated with adentia. The condition can also be inherited – its probability in a child is higher if one of the parents, brothers or sisters has adentia.

Congenital adentia is explained by evolution. When studying the skulls of our ancient ancestors – from fifteen thousand years ago to the Middle Ages – it turned out that their dentition was much smoother than ours. Now, 50–70% of people have crowded teeth, difficulties with teething (most often wisdom teeth, which literally do not have enough space) or edentulousness itself. Apparently , due to the transition to softer food, the size of the jaws decreased, and the teeth did not have time to shrink at the same rate. Genetics solved the problem of lack of space radically – simply by reducing the number of teeth in different people.

Can adentia harm

In her interviews, Dani Miller said that as a child she was teased and she even began treatment – it was planned to put implants in place of the missing teeth . But it didn’t work out quickly , and then Miller realized that the haters from her life would not disappear anyway . She accepted her smile and loved it: “It’s time to free yourself from the pressure of traditional views of beauty and perfection. Your features give you strength and beauty. ” Accepting oneself with aesthetics or not is everyone’s personal business, but it is important to know that it is not always about aesthetics.

If a tooth is missing for any reason – it never existed, it is there, but has not erupted or it was removed – the empty space will begin to fill. The adjacent teeth tilt towards the gap, and the tooth of the opposite jaw begins to protrude – this is called the Popov-Godon phenomenon. The distribution of the load on the jaw changes , it deforms, the structure of the bone tissue is destroyed. All this leads to deterioration of hygiene and dental diseases – caries and parondotitis, because there are more places for bacteria to accumulate. Adentia can affect the appearance of the face or cause joint pain . It’s not just about adults: in children, temporary teeth hold space in the jaw, preparing it for the eruption of permanent ones. If one or more teeth are missing, it is very likely that during their change there will be difficulties with teething or occlusion, so it is important to contact an orthodontist in time .

The absence of second incisors, like Dani Miller’s, is one of the most common types of congenital adentia. As the orthodontist Tatiana Tomchuk explains, the load on the two remaining incisors, for example, when biting off food, doubles. Whether negative effects will manifest themselves depends on many factors, from general health to dental care : someone may see adverse effects as early as thirty, and someone will not be bothered by anything until old age. Another common option is wisdom teeth adentia; this is usually not dangerous and even helps the rest of the teeth fit into the jaw. In dental textbooks, for a long time, not thirty-two teeth have been called the norm , but any number of them from twenty-eight, implying the optional presence of “eights”.

What do they do about it

Edentulous and related to her the difficulties involved in the first orthodontist, but to the healing process can be connected to other dental specialties: surgeons, orthopedists, internists. When in place of the missing tooth others have not tilted or moved forward, you can simply replace it with an implant. However, this usually requires preparation – with the help of braces, adjacent teeth are pushed apart and aligned, freeing up space.

Another option is to close the gaps with bridges, which are cheaper and easier than implantation. Modern bridges do not require such aggressive turning as before, and can be held not on crowns that completely cover adjacent teeth, but on thin retaining plates. True, from the point of view of physiology, this is not the best way: if the implant, like a healthy tooth, transfers the load to the jaw bone tissue, then the bridge distributes it over two adjacent teeth.

It often happens that not only a tooth is missing , but also its intended place – that is, the length of the jaw will not allow placing an implant or prosthesis. Then, if there is a need for it, orthodontic treatment is performed. After that, if it is necessary to change the shape of the teeth, different methods are used, from restoration with filling materials to ceramic veneers. The latter option is more expensive, but does not require correction or replacement

Question to an expert: Is it true that eating after six is ​​harmful

Posted on April 23, 2021  in Medical news

We are used to searching online for ANSWERS TO MOST OF THE QUESTIONS THAT HAVE ASKED US . In this series of articles, we ask just such questions – burning, unexpected or common – to professionals in a variety of fields.

“Don’t eat after six” has long entered the Russian language not only as a synonym for a weight loss formula, but also as a healthy habit. Is there any scientific basis for this statement? Are evening calories different from morning calories ? Let’s figure it out together with an expert.

Masha Budryte

Nutritionist, graduate of King’s College London

Where did the idea come from that it is better not to eat after 18:00 to lose weight or improve health is unknown. This figure appears mainly in the post-Soviet space, and in English-speaking countries you can often hear about eight in the evening. The expression “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy” is attributed to the Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, who, apparently , had very strict daily routine. The Duke of Richelieu wrote about him in his memoirs: “Suvorov dines in the morning, ” he writes, “he dines in the afternoon, sleeps in the evening, sings part of the night, and at dawn he walks almost naked or rolls in the grass, which, in his opinion, is very good for health. … “. The French military leader Comte de Dame, who had served in the Russian army for several years , was once invited by Suvorov to dinner “exactly at six,” but when he appeared at the appointed time, they explained to him that the commander-in-chief meant six in the morning, not evening. Perhaps the popular “after six” food restriction is related to this story.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that depending on the time of day in the body, various “meridians” – areas of circulation of “energy” within the body are activated . The day is divided into twelve segments, each of which corresponds to the greatest activity of a particular meridian. According to the Chinese sages, it is best to wake up and empty the colon from five to seven in the morning, have breakfast from seven to nine, and breakfast should be the largest meal of the day – supposedly at this time the stomach is working most actively. Lunch falls between eleven in the morning and one in the afternoon, and the last meal should be from five to seven in the evening (from nine to eleven you need to go to bed). From the point of view of Chinese medicine, if you follow these and some other prescriptions, you can achieve a balance between positive energy (yin) and negative energy (yang).

Of course, this view is far from evidence-based medicine – today science has not found signs that human health depends on the movement of intangible “energy” in the body. From the point of view of science, we have a ” biological clock” , and in their basis is not a metaphysical energy and proteins that control the biochemical and physiological processes in the cells. The main “clocks” with which the rest are synchronized are located in the hypothalamus, and the main stimulus for them is light. On circadian rhythms are influenced by different external and internal factors – the change of time zones, work shifts, an unstable time of awakening and falling asleep. Circadian rhythms determine the state of the body during the day, affecting, inter alia, the quality of sleep, hunger and mood. For the discovery of genes responsible for the production of biological clock proteins that affect circadian rhythms in 2017, Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael Young received the Nobel Prize .

Modern nutritionists believe that from the standpoint of loss and weight gain is important only how many calories a person received for the day, and how much was spent, regardless of the fact, in what time of day people took food. However , in some studies, mice that ate before bed put on weight compared to animals that ate the same amount of calories at other times of the day. Problems arose when the animals turned on the lights at night – apparently , their circadian rhythms were out of order.

It is only important how many calories a person received per day, regardless
of what time of day the person ate food.

Studies in humans show different results. According to British children’s nutrition and lifestyle statistics from the largest analysis of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, eating after 8 p.m. is not associated with increased weight. This is happening , and with diet in adulthood – the total number of calories produced per day, a stronger effect on body mass index than the meal. An important caveat: scientists argue that people who eat at night have a higher risk of getting too many calories per day in general. A late supper itself is not a problem; but the situation when the meal for the night is something like a second or even a third supper should raise questions.

recent study in Japan found that a short (less than two hours) interval between dinner and bedtime does not affect blood glucose levels and does not increase the risk of diabetes. Eating late can lead to unpleasant consequences such as abdominal discomfort and difficulty falling asleep. In this regard, the recommendation “do not eat after …” may take place, but the specific numbers depend on when you go to bed; with heartburn, bloating, it is recommended not to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. Of course, the approach should be individual: one person sleeps better if several hours have passed after dinner, and the other needs a snack or a glass of milk just before going to bed.

In recent years, intermittent fasting has been gaining popularity. According to one of its options, you can eat only for eight hours a day, and the remaining sixteen – you need to abstain from food. Some studies show that this approach can be useful: at the same time, different organs respond better to insulin, a number of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as “bad” cholesterol, inflammatory markers, and others , are reduced . However , studies in people following this diet have been brief and do not show how this diet affects long-term health. The problem with this approach is that, as with any rigid diet , there is a risk of “breaking off,” and alternating diets and breakdowns can lead to a whole range of eating disorders.

Nutritionists and by experts nutrition does not tire of repeating: to maintain health is much more important to maintain a balance in the diet and work on eating habits, than to try to short-term solutions like dieting. Avoiding food when you are hungry may not produce the desired results, leaving you feeling tired, anxious, or in a bad mood. If you are worried about your own eating habits, you should contact a specialist who will help you figure it out and give the necessary recommendations.

Posted on April 19, 2021  in Medical news

Don’ts during pregnancy: Dispelling myths

DURING PREGNANCY, ESPECIALLY FIRST, the flow of new information can be disarming, and it can be difficult to separate reasonable advice from unreasonable ones. We decided to sort out the justified and unjustified recommendations, leaving out obvious superstitions such as prohibitions on photography, knitting or using a computer.


The desired pregnancy often encourages purchases – both for the unborn child and for yourself, especially taking into account the changing body. Women are actively looking for information, something that marketers can’t help but use when they talk about the dangers of conventional cosmetics, from nail polishes to hair products, and offer new ones with unique formulas designed specifically for pregnant women.

In fact, formaldehyde, toluene and phthalates in nail polishes and nail polish removers are only dangerous in very large quantities – if you are a master of manicure and pedicure, then it is important to think about the safety of the workplace and good ventilation. Funds applied to the skin rarely penetrate deeply, which means they will not penetrate the bloodstream and will not pass through the placenta. Let’s remind that not a single product “from stretch marks” does not guarantee that they will not appear – so you can not spend money on special oils and get by with the usual moisturizing cream.

As for active cosmetics, you should take special care with acids and pay double attention to sun protection, because both acidic products and pregnancy can provoke pigmentation. Retinol and its derivatives stand apart – taking these drugs by mouth during pregnancy is really prohibited, and it is recommended to exclude products applied to the skin . However, the European Medicines Agency claims that superficial retinoids are unlikely to harm the fetus – that is, if you used the cream before you found out about pregnancy, you definitely do not need to panic.


During pregnancy, it is imperative to do professional dental hygiene once or twice and cure caries, if any; X-rays and anesthesia are much less harmful than a source of infection in the form of a bad tooth or an inflamed gum. Also, all pregnant women are shown vaccination against whooping cough and, in the appropriate season, against influenza.

The usual tactic for other interventions is that if the procedure is not critical to health, it is better to postpone it until the postpartum period. This includes starting treatment with braces, body piercings, tattoos, beauty injections or laser treatments. Most of the prohibitions are based on potential, not proven risk. If you get Botox shots and then find out about pregnancy, don’t panic – it looks like it’s safe .

Non-invasive treatments like masks or waxing during pregnancy won’t hurt, and massage can be a big help for those with tired backs or swollen legs. Cut, paint and brighten the hair can be of the usual graphics and the usual means.


Perhaps, as many myths are connected with what as with the diet of pregnant women. Sometimes out of pure superstition, and sometimes out of a mistaken belief about harm, the strangest prohibitions appear – on mushrooms, spicy or food of a certain color. In reality, there are not so many products that can harm an unborn child: mainly food in which bacteria that are safe for an adult, but dangerous for a fetus can settle.

These include white and blue cheeses, raw or semi-raw eggs, any kind of pâté, including vegetable, raw or semi-raw meat such as rare steaks. Experts also warn against meat products such as salami or jamon, which may contain Toxoplasma pathogens; however, when cooking (for example, if slices of pepperoni are sent to the oven with pizza), the risk is neutralized. Seafood should not be soggy or bacterial or viral infections can occur, and fish such as shark, swordfish and marlin should be avoided due to the high mercury content. You can eat sushi if the fish has been previously frozen.

The best thing to do with your diet during pregnancy, as well as at any other stage in life, is to keep it varied , balanced, based on vegetables, fruits, cereals and legumes, without high amounts of salt and sugar. In the third trimester, due to the displacement of internal organs, heartburn and belching often appear – so it is worth switching to small portions, avoiding foods that provoke these symptoms, and not going to bed immediately after eating. Acute at this stage can really add inconvenience, but it helps to cope with nausea in the first trimester.


In southern Europe, no one will be surprised if a pregnant woman orders a glass of wine for dinner – local traditions almost equate this drink with water. And yet the official recommendations on this matter are unambiguous: the safe dose of alcohol during pregnancy is unknown – in other words, any dose is considered dangerous. Again, if you took a couple of sips and realized that alcohol was mistakenly poured into your non-alcoholic cocktail, we can confidently say that you did not cause irreparable harm to the unborn child. It is better not to worry about what you have done, but also not to drink alcoholic beverages on purpose.

Caffeine is recommended to be limited to 200 milligrams per day. Those who are accustomed to drinking a lot of coffee should switch to a decaffeinated drink after the first two cups. This substance is also found in tea, cola and energy drinks. It should be remembered that soda usually contains large amounts of sugar as well, and is not part of a balanced diet at all. As for herbal tea, it is best to consult a doctor.

Medicines and vitamins

We have already said that the food supplement market is regulated in a completely different way from the drug market, and sometimes products with effects opposite to those stated are on sale. In 2018 it became clear that a multivitamin brand Gwyneth Paltrow Goop, promoted as a means for pregnant women, contain 110% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A, which is generally not advised to take at this time. If the doctor has not identified a deficiency of any vitamin, you do not need to prescribe it yourself: the consequences can be dangerous. The only vitamin recommended to be taken three months before conception and during the entire first trimester is folic acid.

When prescribing medicines, they are guided by the rule of balance between benefits and risks: if the harm from the medicine is lower than from the current disease, then it is worth using it. Over-the-counter cold remedies are safe when taken shortly and when indicated.

Household chemicals

Special cleaning products that are safe for pregnant women are a marketing ploy. Regular liquids and powders can be used with the usual precautions – for example, opening windows often and wearing gloves when handling anything particularly corrosive. Of course, chronic exposure to chemicals in connection with the profession is another issue that needs to be discussed with both the doctor and the employer.

If you have a cat at home, there is a real cat litter risk during pregnancy. Contact with cat feces can lead to toxoplasmosis, which is extremely dangerous during pregnancy. Reputable medical organizations recommend delegating the cleaning of the litter box, and if this is not possible, wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

Physical activity

Ideally, the pregnancy should be active – this helps reduce the likelihood of back pain and swelling, reduce the risk of complications such as gestational diabetes, regulate weight, and sleep better. In general, it is recommended not to start anything radically new, listen to your own body and continue your usual physical activity – that is, running if you have run before, or going to a rocking chair if this is your usual activity. General recommendations are similar to those for non-pregnant women: cardio three to five times a week, strength training, including abs , two to three times.

Limitations can be counted on one hand: obviously, you need to avoid hitting the abdomen or falling. It’s important not to choke – for example, the intensity of the cardio should be enough to keep the conversation going. By the end of pregnancy, the joints become less stiff, and to avoid dislocation, it is best not to do explosive jumping movements. Finally, starting from the second trimester, it is not recommended to do exercises with weight, lying on your back (this interferes with the outflow of blood through the veins). Bleeding, cramping or feeling unwell is a reason to see a doctor, and this does not depend on whether you play sports.

Sleep, heels and flights

Sleeping on your back during the second and especially the third trimester is undesirable : the uterus, becoming heavier, compresses the veins and abdominal organs. Sleeping on your stomach , on the other hand, is safe , although for obvious reasons it becomes uncomfortable at some point. If it feels comfortable to sleep on your stomach, you can do it without fear .

For shoes with heels, pregnant women have to listen to even comments from strangers – and the stress associated with this can be more dangerous than shoes. It is important to assess sensibly how the balance of the body changes due to its new proportions, and not to take risks if you stumble in some shoes and may fall. As pregnancy progresses, shoes can become uncomfortable due to swelling of the legs or an uncomfortable bend in the lower back, so it would be logical to switch to sneakers, but this is primarily a matter of convenience.

Flying before thirty-six weeks of pregnancy is generally considered safe – and if you are concerned, you should consult your doctor. True, from a medical point of view, “possible” is not always equal to “possible” according to the airline’s rules – some of them require a doctor’s certificate from twenty-five weeks. In order to avoid surprises when buying tickets, it is better to read even the small print.

Why you want to write in the shower: Understanding how different reflexes work 

Posted on April 19, 2021  in Medical news

WE REMOVE HAND when we touch the hot kettle, close our eyes when the ball is flying directly at us, and try to turn as conveniently as possible when falling. These reactions are controlled very quickly, at the level of the spinal cord, and are called reflexes. True, the cerebral cortex can also be connected in the process – for example, if you fall with your beloved mother’s favorite cup in your hands, the brain will have to weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision. Basically, reflexes are designed to protect us from real and potential threats, although the function of some of them is difficult to understand. Let’s try to figure it out with everyone.

Unconditional and conditional

Simplified to the maximum, a reflex is a quick reaction of the nervous system to a stimulus that is outside of our control. We are born with most of them – these are, as they said at school in biology, unconditioned reflexes. But there are also conditioned reflexes – those that we acquire by necessity during life. One of the first researchers of conditioned reflexes was the Russian physiologist and winner of the 1904 Nobel Prize, Ivan Pavlov. His legendary experiment, in case you forgot, was to induce gastric acid production in a dog with a stimulus that had nothing to do with digestion: sound or light.

Reflex research continues and leads to unexpected discoveries. Vertebrates have a so-called vestibulo-ocular reflex – it allows you to focus on one point when the head moves. It has long been thought to be controlled by the brain stem, but scientists at King’s College London have shown that higher-order brain regions are involved in its control, among other things, for hand movements. So primitive reflexes may not be so primitive.

Autonomous and infant

After brain death, some patients may move their limbs . And this confuses the relatives – after all, if the main organ is dead, then nothing like this should happen, right? Not really. In this case, we are talking just about the spinal reflexes, which can occur within 24 hours after the death of the brain, including a sequence of movements known as the ” Lazarus phenomenon “.

Most of the reflexes are autonomous and work within the body. For example, spikes in blood pressure in response to stress or digestion in response to food entering the stomach. Babies have a number of reflexes that are not found in adults: palmar, sucking, searching and some others .

Protective cough

We used to think of coughing as something not very positive, but in general, the cough reflex is what helps us stay healthy, because it removes pathogenic particles from the airways. In short, if the cough does not cause pain and discomfort, and the doctor has not given other recommendations, you should not suppress this reflex. If a person chokes and coughs, there is no need to pound on the back – no external influence is as powerful as a cough.

Cough is a protective reflex that is triggered when foreign particles enter the larynx, pharynx, bronchi; sneezing occurs if particles of dust, mucus or pollen are caught in the nose. The principle is the same – a fast air flow cleans the nasal cavity from unnecessary components. Finally, eyes watery from dust, wind, or makeup is also a simple example of a protective reflex.

Why do doctors knock
on the knee

Exposure to a stimulus, in this case a hammer, causes the thigh muscle to stretch slightly. Sensory (sensory) nerves in the muscle send a signal to the spinal cord; a response signal travels along the motor nerve, causing the muscle to contract. In this case, the knee is slightly unbend.

This simple reaction, the so-called monosynaptic (that is, working through one nerve synapse) reflex, helps the doctor to understand a lot about the state of the nervous system. Given the simplicity and speed of execution, it should come as no surprise that tapping with a hammer has become part of the routine inspection.

Reflexes can be pumped

Although reflexes seem to be something constant and unchanging, they can be improved. For example, one study found that relaxation (in this case, meditation practice) improves the speed of response tasks, while tension, on the contrary, complicates the process. The reaction speed is also practiced in various sports – for example, in boxing.

Potential helpers are eggs and spinach, which contain tyrosine, an amino acid that may also be associated with improved responsiveness. Researchers at the University of Rochester have generally found that action-packed video games can help people make faster, but better decisions. And while it sounds too good, you can try.

Why does one want to go to the toilet at the sound of water

The situation everyone was in: you tell your friends that you urgently need to go to the toilet, and at this moment the main joker in the company starts to turn on the sounds of streams and waterfalls on the phone, although you have not even seen the coveted door yet. And this is really terrible, because the urge to go to the toilet starts to get even more.

While science has no definitive answer to the question of why this is happening, it has speculations. One of the most viable among them says that, learning to relieve ourselves, first sitting on the potty and then on the toilet, we are accustomed to the fact that this action is accompanied by characteristic sounds (not only urine itself, but also flushing water and even washing hands).

This is a kind of conditioned reflex, which eventually became so firmly entrenched in our consciousness that some people may want to use the toilet even when they are just looking at the water (although this is not certain).

Knismesis, Gargalesis and others

The story with water is a textbook example, but, of course, strange reflexes are not limited to it. There are, for example, tremors or cramping after urination , which are more common in men than in women, and although scientists do not know exactly what causes them, this may be due to the loss of some warm fluid simultaneously with the exposure of a part of the body or a natural decline. pressure after the procedure. Sometimes people faint after urinating (according to some sources , this is 8% of fainting), but this has nothing to do with reflexes.

Another reflex, known as a “prisoner’s movie” , is observed in people who spend a lot of time in complete darkness (astronauts, meditation practices ). We are talking about flashes of light (and color) that scientists think occur when phosphenes (spots and stars that we see when we close our eyes) combine with a tense psychological environment.

There is also knismesis and gargalesis – two types of tickling that psychologists J. Stanley Hall and Arthur Allin identified back in 1897. Knismesis is a mild type of tickling that is accompanied by an itchy sensation (such as from a feather or a fly), but not laughter. Gargalesis is an active tickling, accompanied by laughter, but capable of being painful if the person who performs the action does not want to stop. Interestingly, we ourselves can cause knismesis, but never gargalesis.

Other surprising reflexes are flushing from shame , over-excitement, or emotional stress (emphasize as needed) associated with an overactive sympathetic nervous system; goosebumps provoked by cold or, again, emotions – here, most likely, there is a “program error”, since the same communication channels are activated as when reporting a low temperature. As for the reasons for yawning, science continues to argue – whether it is a lack of oxygen or the need to maintain an optimal brain temperature, scientists have not yet decided. The latter is more likely because people tend to yawn when the height changes.

Finally, most mammals have an unusual diving reflex that allows them to stay underwater longer. It works only in water with a temperature below 21 degrees Celsius and only when the face is immersed in it. If this happens, the heart rate slows down and the blood concentrates in the limbs, greatly increasing the chances of survival.

Japanese scientists suggest that it is human reflexes that will help create unique defense systems in the future. Because even biometric data can be copied, although it is difficult, but copying saccades (micromovements of the eyes while looking at something) and other reflexive things is much more difficult. Perhaps one day our strange reflexes will play an important role in shaping the new cybersecurity.

Don’t hold yourself back “: I have Tourette’s syndrome 

Posted on April 15, 2021  in Medical news

TURETTA SYNDROME IS A neurological disorder that causes people to involuntarily perform violent repetitive movements or make sounds. Medicines can control unwanted symptoms, but they cannot be completely removed . For Elena Kostikova, the syndrome first manifested itself in kindergarten and became more pronounced with age. She told us about life with this peculiarity.

Watch TV less

It is wrong to say that I have an illness: syndrome and illness are different concepts. The disease is treated, and Tourette’s syndrome is with you forever, it can only be muted. We got it with intensified year by year: in the past there was only one obsessive movement, then there were others.

In my dad’s the same syndrome, but less pronounced and appeared already in adulthood – and we have it from childhood. For as long as I can remember, I blinked, that is , I did not just blink, of course, but strongly closed my eyes first, both eyes, then one. In kindergarten, I did not pay attention to the movements – in my opinion, I was not teased too much. Well, she blinked and blinked. In the family I never said, “Do not jerking,” “Me for you ashamed,” “You are not this” – apparently, so I have no complexes was not. They loved me very much, and my mother always supported me. At school, Tourette’s syndrome was also not strong: I just closed my eyes, and my little finger twitched. As a teenager, I was more worried about my, as it seemed to me, a long nose and thin hair, rather than obsessive movements.

Several tragedies have affected my current state: I have lost loved ones. When I was twenty years old and I was pregnant, we buried the man whom our whole family loved – my mother’s brother, he was thirty-six. He was not just an uncle for me, but something much more: he was probably the head of our family. Three years ago, another grief happened – my beloved nephew died, he was only thirty-three. We were very close. After his death, the twitching became even more.

Obsessive movements are with me almost constantly. They happen consciously, but I cannot but do them – I feel physically ill. It’s impossible to explain – I just have to do them. Even doctors cannot find a cause and offer treatment: Tourette’s syndrome is very poorly understood . Now almost my entire body is involved: I blink strongly, twitch my head and hand, legs when walking. Even when I go to bed, I do not immediately fall asleep due to the fact that my head and limbs move. It is necessary to correctly lay the left hand so that it does not move, and do the same with the leg. Only after that I can already fall asleep – and in a dream I do not feel anything.

Obsessive movements are with me almost constantly. They happen consciously, but I can’t help but do them
– I feel physically ill.

When I watch TV, I repeat the phrases after the characters of the program or film, and many times, until it turns out like a character – with the same expression and intonation. Or, it happens, I hear a conversation on the street or in transport and repeat after the speakers. In crowded places I can restrain myself – whisper, for example – but at home I repeat it loudly.

In Soviet times, they did not even hear such an expression – “Tourette’s syndrome”. When my mother took me to the doctors, they answered her : “Let him watch TV less.” And what TV used to be – “Good night, kids” and ” Visiting a fairy tale”? On this our visits ended. Then, when there were more obsessive movements, my mother studied the medical encyclopedia, called me and said: “Lena, I found symptoms like yours. It is called “Tourette’s syndrome”. And then I started going to doctors, asking: ” Maybe I have Tourette’s syndrome?”

I was diagnosed just a year ago, now I’m forty-six. Before that, I went to ordinary clinics, and the neurologists, whom I told about my symptoms, answered: “Well, here you are , nothing twitches. I look at you – you are a normal person. ” I said: “I am a normal person. I sit and try to restrain my movements. ” They disowned my words: “No, no, no, you invent everything, you have nothing.” A year ago, I made sure that they gave me a referral to the Scientific Center of Neurology – there I was referred to a doctor who specializes in Tourette’s syndrome. The doctor examined me, asked a few questions and immediately diagnosed me .

When I found out what happened to me, relief came. I and used to think, “Well, I live and I live,” – but it is now understood that this does not take place, and does not recover. This means that I will continue to live with Tourette’s syndrome.


As a child, I went to a pioneer camp, where I liked to go to knitting. I would still love to do it, but I can’t stand the flickering of sharp objects in front of my eyes. Although there are things that improve the condition – walking the dog, for example. You go, you watch the dog run, and it calms. You don’t have to pretend to him – as he is, he loves you that way . I also love books: when I read, I don’t even notice whether I’m twitching or not.

For me, the hardest thing in life with Tourette’s is the physical condition. In the evening, you get so tired of the movements that you don’t have the strength to make plans. Usually washing the floor is no big deal, and after that I have to lie down to rest. The movements are unusual for the body and cause physical pain. Let’s say I wash the dishes: the sink is against the wall, I jerk my hand or head and hit the wall hard. The shoulder hurts constantly because of the movements – as well as the left side of the neck and head. Periodically, the leg aches due to the fact that the foot is turned inward.

Now I only blink strongly in certain situations – for example, when I see someone drinking tea with a spoon in a mug, or when sharp objects are standing, not lying. If someone waves their hands in front of my face or points a finger, this also causes obsessive movements. If I see a tile – in the subway, for example – then one foot should step on the strip, and the other step over it. Similar to the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder: I’ve read that Tourette’s is often coexisting with OCD.

visit a neurologist and take medications. When the treatment was just started, it became easier for a while. I remember even saying to my mother: “Can you imagine, sometimes it happens that I am not at all twitching. For a few moments I feel like an ordinary person, nothing interferes. ” But then the body adapted to the drugs, and it got worse. Recently, I again went to see a neurologist at a research institute – she added more pills, and doubled the dose to the old ones. I will try, as long as it doesn’t get worse . I also want to nurse my grandchildren – let at least the current state be preserved .

I am in the process of registering a disability, but I do not know whether they will give it or not: all doctors speak differently. I need it: I do not work, but at least the allowance will be like that, and the medicines are very expensive. People with disabilities are given pills, but the cheapest, so you never know if they will help or not.


Don’t hold yourself back

Tourette’s syndrome has never prevented me from leading an ordinary life. I got married at nineteen, gave birth at twenty. I broke up with my first husband, I had another one – we did not sign, and now I have been living with a third for thirteen years .

graduated from college, worked in different places – recently as a nanny. The employers didn’t tell me anything , I didn’t come, saying: “Hello, I have Tourette’s syndrome.” The only thing is that I somehow worked in a store, and it was very difficult to be in public for thirteen hours . I left, I couldn’t. I even had nowhere to hide, even for a short while, to twitch and calm down. In the evening I came home, and everything intensified. When I already realized that no one sees me, or that the closest ones see me, then I came off to the fullest and twitched in all directions. Now, due to the fact that the obsessive movements are almost constant, I can not work.

Of course, I see that people notice my peculiarity, they look at me in surprise . But almost no one ever asked me about it, did not say that something was ” wrong” with me or I was “not like that.” I feel comfortable with people. Once I went to the dacha in an electric train, sat opposite a woman. We have all the time twitching leg, and I touched her neighbor. She finally looked at me so reproachfully , I told her : “Sorry, do not pay attention, I have tics.” And she didn’t look anymore – but she didn’t sit down, and we rode calmly together.

For a while I worked as a cleaner. Once at a dinner a woman asked me: “Lena, why are you blinking your eyes, jerking your head?” Everyone immediately besieged her: ” Why are you asking such questions, why?” She replied: “No, no, I am not with malice. It’s just that my relative does the same, maybe there is some kind of treatment? ” I said that I myself did not know anything – at that time I really did not know anything about Tourette’s syndrome. On it all and over.

Now I only blink strongly
in certain situations – for example, when I see someone drinking tea with a spoon in a mug, or when sharp objects are standing, not lying

have a friend, she says to me: “Len, well, here you are walking down the street, you want to twitch – well , twitch! In the end, these people see you in the first and last time in life. Don’t hold yourself back. ” At home, they even treat my syndrome with humor. I can not raise my hands – they immediately start twitching. When I wash the dishes and want to put the plate on the dryer, I press my hands to me from shoulder to elbow and move only part below the elbow. When my son sees this, he calls me Lolo the penguin. If you constantly worry that I am not like that, life will be completely unbearable.

When we got together with my current husband, he did not know about my peculiarity. There was no such thing that we sat down and I told him: “You know, I have such a syndrome.” But later he began to notice my movements, although he did not say anything. And I myself began to ask that he, for example, not leave a spoon in a glass. Now he even tells me that he began to notice the same people on the street . He is very supportive of me. I have it once said: “When I start to pull, maybe you unpleasant to look?” He says: “I just don’t notice it. I like to treat you to the very beginning, and attitude. ” I see that this is indeed the case. He also tries to help, fulfills all my requests. Sometimes in the evening I come home, sit down and cry, so this will get it all – and he pities me. I can lead myself completely calmly with him and not hide. Nothing scared him away – we live as we live.

There I had a friend: We were together with the birth, I thought it was a very close friend, nowhere near. Then she got married. Every time when I come to him in the visit, I blinked, and her husband, winking at me. Once I told her: “You explain to him that I am not making eyes, but I have a peculiarity of health.” Later I realized that he did it on purpose. It didn’t bother me , at that moment we completely stopped communicating. I just realized that I don’t need these people in my life . If a person in adulthood, the age of reason mimicking another already aware of the situation, it is not talking about the fact that I am poor, and about the fact that people are likely ill-mannered or not very smart.

After I found out about the diagnosis, I wanted to communicate with the same people, find out how they live, how they are treated. I started looking for groups on the VKontakte network for people with Tourette’s syndrome – we periodically talk. Recently, the mother of a boy with the same peculiarity wrote to me . The woman was in a difficult condition: it seemed that her world had collapsed – she was so worried, afraid of how her son would continue to live. I hope I helped her – at least she said she felt better. I wrote to her: “Yes, we are. Such as they are, and should live with it. You don’t have to worry, pull your hair out – better support your child. “

I can send, but not because I have Tourette’s syndrome

If we talk about stereotypes about Tourette, then I almost never came across them. More often than not, people simply do not know about this disorder. And if they do, they think that the syndrome is expressed in the fact that a person swears uncontrollably – even doctors believe in it. Recently I did a cardiogram, the doctor saw the diagnosis in the card and said so sympathetically: “How are you, poor, living? You can also send someone. ” I answer: “No, of course I can send, but not because I have Tourette’s syndrome.” In fact, coprolalia is a rare manifestation, and I don’t have it.

There was an even stranger case. I was in the hospital with panic attacks: I woke up at night, it seemed to me that I was dying – I did not understand where the floor was, where the ceiling was, I felt sick. They called an ambulance, they put me in the neurology department. Then the diagnosis was not yet confirmed to me , but I tried to find a specialist who would know at least something . I tell the doctor, they say, this and that, it twitches me, maybe it’s Tourette’s syndrome? To which, in response, the neurologist asked: “What is this?” I, of course, understand that this is not her specialization, but the neurological disease should be heard.

There are people around me who sincerely treat me and accept me for who I am. Those who were needed remained nearby, the rest dropped out. You are proud of yourself because you have to overcome difficulties associated with Tourette’s syndrome that other people do not face. If you think about why me, it drives you into a blues, but I am an optimist in life. We are all very different, and have many features have – physical or mental. It’s hard for all of us. If I was born without Tourette’s syndrome, it would not be me, but a different person. And I am happy that I was born. I want to live and enjoy life.

Question to an expert: Does everyone need iodized salt?

Posted on April 11, 2021  in Medical news

We are used to searching online for ANSWERS TO MOST OF THE QUESTIONS THAT HAVE ASKED US . In this series of articles, we ask just such questions – burning, unexpected or common – to professionals in a variety of fields.

Iodized salt can be bought in any store for a long time, and in 2020, a bill developed by the Ministry of Health on the mandatory iodization of salt should come into force – then it will be used for the preparation of industrial food products, in particular bread. The purpose of the law is to prevent iodine deficiency. But does everyone really need iodized salt? Are there people for whom iodine is contraindicated, and what should they do in conditions of total iodization? We asked these questions to an expert.

For humans, iodine is a vital microelement; without it, the normal functioning of the body is impossible. Depending on age and state of health, you need from 100 to 250 micrograms of this substance per day. Iodine is a constituent of thyroid hormones, which perform many functions in people of all ages, and especially during intrauterine development and infancy. The main thing that these hormones do is to regulate metabolic processes in all tissues.

Thyroid hormones are very important for the maturation of the brain and the formation of intelligence, and their deficiency can result in a deterioration in intellectual and motor functions. The most difficult consequence of iodine deficiency during the mother’s pregnancy is the so-called endemic cretinism, that is, an extreme degree of mental and physical development retardation; other risks are miscarriage and stillbirth. In adults, manifestations of iodine deficiency include goiter (an enlarged thyroid gland) and sometimes hypothyroidism (insufficient thyroid hormone).

The method of mass prevention of iodine deficiency was formulated more than a hundred years ago, and it consists in the iodization of salt. The fact is that salt is available, cheap, we use it in small quantities. The daily requirement for iodine is small, so there is a risk of overdose – but this is excluded when using iodized salt. If a person eats the recommended 5 grams of salt per day, then the body receives 100-200 micrograms of iodine – just a physiological norm.

A particularly vulnerable group includes pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children under two years of age; they are given additional prophylaxis. Preparations containing potassium iodide are prescribed 250 mcg per day during pregnancy planning, its entire course and breastfeeding. Children who do not receive breast milk are recommended mixtures fortified with iodine – at least 90 mcg per liter of prepared liquid.

To avoid iodine deficiency in children and adults, in many countries (now there are ninety), mandatory salt iodization has been introduced . Somewhere, for example, in Poland or the Czech Republic, it only applies to table salt, which people use at home. In other countries, for example, in the Netherlands, Belarus, Denmark, Slovakia, Austria, salt iodization is total. There iodized salt is not only sold in stores – it is prepared with it in restaurants and cafes, it is used in food production. There is a myth that iodized salt reacts with foods, but this is not the case. Nowadays, potassium iodite is used to iodize salt: it is stable during storage and heating, so that modern enriched salt can be used even in baking. In countries with total salt iodization, the problem of iodine deficiency has been eliminated, with partial – practically eliminated.

There is no need to donate blood, urine, or hair for an iodine test, although such an analysis can technically be done. For example, epidemiologists have studied urinary iodine excretion to identify regions of iodine deficiency. Russia definitely belongs to such regions. Almost throughout the country there is a mild and moderate iodine deficiency, and with food, people receive three times less iodine than they need. So it is worth buying iodized salt without waiting for the law – especially since it is not known whether it will come into effect; it has been discussed since at least 2013 .

It is impossible to get an excess of iodine from food – there is a risk only when using medications containing it. In particular, 1 ml of alcoholic tincture of iodine contains 50 mg (this is 50,000 mcg) of iodine. Such a dose can lead to disruption of the thyroid gland. You should not be afraid of iodized salt – preventive doses of iodine will not even affect the course of thyroid diseases with excessive production of hormones.

They are also sometimes afraid of an allergy to iodized salt, but in vain – iodine is a trace element, and there can be no allergy to it by definition. Possible intolerance to iodine in doses of more than 1000-2000 micrograms, which cannot be obtained from iodized salt. The only contraindication to iodine intake in salt is the period of preparation for radioiodine therapy – a special method used to treat thyroid cancer after surgery. At this time, a special iodine-free diet is prescribed for two to four weeks – and then you need to give up not only salt, but also many other foods, and eat mainly fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals.