Emotional effects

Emotional effects

Positive emotional changes following the use of cannabis are often a key motivation for smoking marijuana. A variety of mood changes can occur. There is an uncertain relationship between these changes and the specific effect of the drug. Many non-pharmacological factors may accompany the perceived effects of the drug. Chief among these factors is past experience with cannabis use, attitudes toward a drug, expectations from drug use and the situation in which the drug is taken. These factors, working in addition to the factor of the size of the dose of THC, can be assessed in terms of the emotional changes inherent in the drug.

A typical emotional reaction to cannabis is a carefree and relaxed state. These feelings can be described in various ways; such adjectives are often used: euphoric, contented, happy and delighted. Often they describe laughter and talkativeness, the falling of a person into a dreamy state of mind.
It should be emphasized that negative emotional sensations, such as anxiety or dysphoria, are more common than might have been expected. Additionally, there are many physical consequences of consuming. First of all, it is a headache, nausea and muscle contraction; less common suspicion and paranoid thoughts.

It is reported that about a third of marijuana smokers end up experiencing these negative effects; however, they may be passing. The user may experience alternately negative or positive effects. In addition, inexperienced smokers most often report negative effects.

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