Back pain in osteochondrosis

Back pain is characteristic for osteochondrosis with localization in the lumbar spine.

The loin can hurt due to limited mobility
At the initial stage, patients feel only discomfort, which occurs mainly with prolonged sitting, sudden movements, slopes, after intense physical exertion. However, the disease progresses, and the pain becomes more intense and prolonged.

Back pain is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

restriction of mobility of the affected area of ​​the back;
spasms of lumbar muscles;
pain in the sacrum, buttocks;
a feeling of tingling, numbness, weakness;
pain in the legs;
violation of the functions of the pelvic organs.
With some types of movements (slopes, lifting, twisting of the trunk), painful sensations become much stronger. Many patients feel relieved when walking. Static postures (standing, sitting) leads to increased pain. Deterioration of the condition can be provoked even by coughing and sneezing. In the supine position, the load on the discs is reduced, so that the pain softens.

Acute pain

With osteochondrosis in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar regions, chronically painful sensations occur in the back area, alternating with episodes of severe pain. Experts believe that the aggravation is provoked by disturbances of micro-movements in the intervertebral discs, which trigger an inflammatory response. To stabilize the spine and reduce micromovements, there is a muscle spasm that blocks a certain segment. Spasms lead to acute pain and a sharp limitation of mobility.

Severe pain can last several hours, days or even months. In contrast to chronic, duration and intensity of which do not depend on the degree of tissue damage, acute pain clearly correlates with the degree of damage occurring, since it is a protective reaction of the body to limit mobility in the affected segment and reduce the degree of compression of the nerve roots.

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