Posted onJuly 30, 2020

Oily skin, acne, unpleasant itching, redness – all this can be the cause of exacerbation of existing skin diseases. It is important to immediately exclude parasitic infection.

To eliminate relapses of atopic dermatitis, rosacea and other skin diseases , special pharmacy cosmetics and medicines are often used (they are prescribed only by a doctor).

But for some, symptoms progress. Unbearable itching appears in the eyebrows, nasolabial folds, along the edge of the eyelashes. The complexion changes, it becomes grayish. The skin becomes bumpy. Often, against the background of these symptoms, blepharitis or blepharoconjunctivitis develops . In this situation, it is better to immediately exclude the parasitic infection. Since the cause of this condition may be the demodex subcutaneous mite .

What is demodicosis

Acne – a skin disease, which provokes opportunistic mite Zheleznitsa acne kind of Demodex ( Demodex ). There are two types of parasites on humans: Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis . Mites parasitize in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. The main condition for their existence is a sufficient amount of sebum . Therefore, Demodex prefers to “settle” on the skin of high fat content. A favorite place for localization of demodex is the skin of the eyelids and forehead, above the eyebrows, folds around the nose and mouth, chin, external auditory canal.

According to statistics, about 60% of people are infected with demodex , but not everyone has the disease.

The development of the disease can be provoked by:

– reduced immunity;

– hormonal disorders;

– stress;

– chronic infection;

– Excessive consumption of caffeine-reducing drinks (tea, coffee, energy);

– abuse of solarium, tanning;

– long-term work at the computer;

– the use of cosmetics based on hormonal components (including herbal).

More often than others, demodicosis develops in women (compared to men) and in those who suffer from atopic dermatitis, rosacea (it has been proven that in 84% of cases rosacea is provoked by mites of the genus Demodex ). Parasites are transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person, for example, by kissing and touching the skin.

The disease has a pronounced seasonal character: most often the disease worsens in the spring. And that’s why. An increase in air temperature and humidity is one of the triggers for the development and reproduction of the tick. He also feels great, “living” in bottles and jars of creams containing a large amount of oils and animal fats, including petroleum jelly. But at temperatures below 14 ° C, the mite “falls asleep” and dies.

What is the danger of demodicosis and can it be cured

If the mite begins to multiply rapidly, its waste products accumulate in the skin. In large quantities, they lead to disruption of various functions of the skin, primarily protective, and the development of hypersensitivity. In addition, moving from the hair follicle to the surface of the skin, the parasites carry a huge number of bacteria that cause inflammation.

One of the serious consequences of demodicosis is damage to the eyes and eyelids. The tick causes blepharoconjunctivitis , keratitis, nonspecific inflammatory changes in the skin around the eyes. At the same time, slight swelling, redness and roughness of the eyelids of the eyelid conjunctiva, itching and fatigue, and dry eye syndrome appear. Plaque forms along the edge of the eyelids and scales around the eyelashes.

It is important to understand that demodicosis is difficult to treat, the disease is chronic. And even after a long therapeutic course, a complete cure does not occur.

To achieve a long period of remission, according to the doctor’s prescription, external imidazole derivatives, topical antibiotics ( clindamycin , erythromycin, etc.), disinfectants (sulfur, zinc, tar preparations), antiparasitic agents ( benzyl benzoate , crotamiton ), aromatic retinoids are used .

It is also recommended to limit the diet of spicy, spicy foods, fast carbohydrates (baked goods, sweets, fast food ).

Special cosmetic care is required. After washing, do not dry yourself with a towel, but use disposable paper napkins. Use hypoallergenic cosmetics with SPF filters that protect the skin from overheating. Clean makeup brushes and sponges daily with disinfectants.

Diagnosis of demodicosis

To identify Demodex , laboratory diagnostic methods are used. They are informative and do not require special training from the patient. Eyelashes and / or skin scrapings are used. The biomaterial is examined under a microscope for the detection of parasites and the degree of infection, in the case of demodectic skin.

If you notice that there are problems with the skin – it has become more oily, pores are noticeable, eyelashes fall out, in the evening there is a feeling of tickling and crawling on the skin, itching occurs in the eyebrows, nasolabial folds – perform tests to identify the demodex subcutaneous mite in CITILAB.

Important to know !

Before conducting the study the women are not recommended to use any makeup , in fact including decorative ( Tone cream , mascara , blush and others .)


demodex and fungal infection, it includes the most important biochemical indicators, including hormones.

It is convenient that as soon as the ordered studies are fully prepared, the doctor will call you and comment on the test results. You will also find out which doctor should be consulted for further examination and treatment.

Always be healthy and beautiful!

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