The withdrawal syndrome

Posted onAugust 8, 2018

The withdrawal syndrome is always the same. This applies to absolutely all cases, regardless of what was caused by addiction. Exception can be considered only those situations when the abstinence is not so bright. The main symptoms of withdrawal syndrome are:
deterioration of well-being, constant depression, decrease in working capacity;
increased irritability, aggressiveness, apathy, depression;
disruption of normal operation of internal organs, accompanied by shortness of breath, increased palpitations, nausea, digestive system disorders, tremor in the muscles, increased sweating;

a constant desire to accept a substance that has become addictive. Throughout the symptom of withdrawal, the patient is almost nothing else to think about. All of the above manifestations indicate that the patient has developed a withdrawal syndrome. The signs can be both pronounced and less obvious.

When does abstinence begin to manifest?

The manifestations of abstinence can occur at different times and depend on a variety of factors, the main ones being the degree of dependence caused by certain substances. In most cases, abstinence makes itself felt in such terms as: in the case of nicotine addiction, the desire to smoke can occur only one hour after the last smoke break; about whether there is a withdrawal syndrome for alcohol abuse, you can find out in a few hours; Abstinence caused by taking antidepressants is manifested 1-2 days after refusal; when using narcotic substances, the breakdown occurs about a day after the last dose. It is worth noting that when the onset of withdrawal symptoms are manifested not immediately, but gradually.

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