Marijuana as a way to use other drugs

Marijuana as a way to use other drugs

The theory of the path or “walking stone” – the theory of drug use, based on the fact that the use of legal and illegal drugs leads to predictable consequences. This theory attracted particular attention in the 1960s, 1970s during the debate on the legalization of marijuana. Opponents of legalization, including the Federal Bureau of Drugs, argued that using marijuana is the first step towards addiction to heroin. However, studies have shown that the vast majority of smokers of marijuana do not become heroin users.

However, the use of one substance sometimes leads to the next. One of the first studies on this topic showed that alcohol use among high school students was a necessary transitional step between drug use and cannabis use. This study has been confirmed by others from the New York State Research Institute. They found that high school students usually use drugs in this order: alcohol, marijuana, and then “hard drugs” (such as cocaine, crack, other hallucinogens, and heroin). Recent studies have found that crackers almost always used marijuana before.

Two things to remember. The first, and perhaps most important, that not everyone who drinks alcohol will subsequently smoke marijuana, and whoever smokes marijuana will not necessarily use other drugs. Secondly, the one who starts smoking marijuana after drinking alcohol, usually does not stop drinking alcoholic beverages, and both substances can be included in his “repertoire”.

Ways to use

For psychoactive substances, marijuana and hashish are accepted in many ways. For example, they found out that several centuries ago these substances were taken in the form of liquids or in the form of food. In addition, the psychoactive effects of marijuana can be experienced by chewing on marijuana leaves. However, smoking remains the main mode of cannabis use, usually in the form of a cigarette or a joint. Inhalation of marijuana cigarette smoke is the most effective way to absorb marijuana.

Active ingredients

The first chemical analysis of cannabis was probably undertaken in 1821. Since then, it has been found that cannabis is a complex plant. It consists of more than 400 chemical elements. About 60 of them, called cannabinoids, are unique elements of cannabis. During ongoing research, new substances and compounds are likely to be found in cannabis.

Despite years of research, it was not until 1964 that the main psychoactive element of cannabis was isolated. This substance is called delta-9-tetraksidkannabinol, but most is known as D-9-THC or simply THC. The study found that TNScannabinoid explains the vast majority of known psychoactive effects of marijuana. THC is the main psychoactive element of cannabis, but other cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol and cannabinol, can be biologically active and can produce the effects of THC. Anyway, they are not psychoactive in themselves.

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