In the opening lines of his magnificent poem “Sunday Morning,” Wallace Stevens conveys the image of radiant transcendence, as well as the familiar and usual dignity of Cezanne.

The satisfaction of the peignoir, and the late Coffee and oranges in the golden chair from the sun, And the green privilege of the cockatoo Mingle on the rug to dispel the Holy Quiet of the old victim.

Stevens strings evoke the atmosphere of secular satiety surrounding a caffeine drink. “Sunny Morning” reminds us that our stereotypical notion of what drugs are is changing when we are asked to consider such refined accessories of bourgeois taste as tea, coffee and cocoa, as belonging to the same category as heroin and cocaine. Nevertheless, all this is drugs; our unconscious desire to once again find the path to the sensory characteristics of prehistory led us to create innumerable options to pay tribute to the psychoactivity relying on a vegetable base. Light stimulants with harmless and controlled action were included in the food of primates long before the occurrence of hominids. Caffeine is an alkaloid that underlies many of the things that are associated with plant stimulants in humans.Caffeine is a powerful stimulant in a dose much lower than a toxic one. It is found in tea and coffee and in many other plants, such as Ilex paraguayensis – the source of the Paraguayan tea mate or Paullinia yoco – the appetite suppressing Amazonian vine, which has its own local, but ancient and high-standard style of consumption.

Caffeine is bitter in itself, and the discovery to make it more palatable by adding honey or sugar has created the basis for a widespread and little-noted synergistic effect that exists between sugar and various caffeine drinks. The tendency of sugar to cause addiction increases if it is used to improve the taste of a stimulating alkaloid, such as caffeine.

Sugar we attributed to the number of foods. This implies that he cannot act as a drug of great addiction, and yet there is evidence around us. Many sugar-abusing people are in a sugar-conditioned atmosphere, characterized primarily by mood swings.

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