The withdrawal syndrome is what?

After the completion of taking medications intended to arrest various conditions, the symptoms may return to the patient. In this case, they are manifested with greater force. As a result, the patient’s condition deteriorates significantly, and he may fall into a coma. A similar manifestation is called withdrawal syndrome. This phenomenon was first discovered by doctors when using hormone therapy.
The withdrawal syndrome is an acute manifestation, caused by the way it happens, if you refused to take medication, we did not receive any substances necessary for normal functioning. This is due to the fact that any hormonal drugs have a negative effect on the nervous system, violating the normal psychological and emotional background. If you take such drugs for a long period of time, then the patient may develop a feeling of constant discomfort and depression. Therefore, do not use medication without the advice of a qualified specialist.
The most common drugs and substances that cause dependence and can lead to the development of withdrawal syndrome in refusing to take them are: narcotic substances, for example, cocaine, opium, etc.; psychostimulants and antidepressants; alcohol; nicotine. Each provocateur listed in the list has a different degree of addiction. Therefore, dependence on them develops in a person for a different period of time. For example, addiction develops much more quickly to narcotic substances than to nicotine or alcohol. The most dangerous thing is that such dependence has a detrimental effect on the body. In some cases, there may even be a lethal outcome. A frequent picture is the syndrome of hormonal ointment withdrawal, which are widely used in gynecology for the treatment of various diseases. The abolition of their application leads to hormonal failure, and consequently, to abstinence.

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