The softening of Western rationalism has gone very far, which anyone can easily be convinced by reading some modern popular book on cosmology or quantum
The softening of Western rationalism has gone very far, which anyone can easily be convinced by reading some modern popular book on cosmology or quantum
This “scientific” position in the 19th century was typical for educated consumers of opium and hashish. Usually, researchers turned to these substances in order to “ignite
After Beyard Taylor, the next outstanding commentator in the field of hashish phenomena was the tireless Fitz Hugh Ludlow. This little-known bon vivant of the 19th
The history of cannabis in the United States after Ludlow was at first happy. Consumption of cannabis is not stigmatized and not popularized. This situation lasted until
Long ago, in situations of depletion of resources and climate change, our ancestors — protohominides — learned to experience natural products of the environment for
The expansion of tastes or the acquisition of taste is a process that is learned; This process has both psychological and biochemical components. The process
Most people who were born in a society of abundance, sense gratification and television with high quality images, it is difficult to imagine the senseless